The pampered Alexandria (Lexi) Fontana sitting in a chair on the phone, pouring
her heart out to her best friends, Nicole and Sonja. Trying to figure out why she can’t
seem to find a steady boyfriend. Afterall, she knew she was beautiful because her
parents, the handsome Jovanni and beautiful Dottie, always told her she was beautiful.
Her miserable dateless life taking a change after taking her dad to have his eyes
checked and coming face to face with Dr. Gregory Baker, Optometrist. In that brief
encounter, looking into his mesmerizing eyes, Lexi had this strange and wonderful
feeling overwhelming her heart.
Once again coming face to face with Dr. Baker at a happy hour with her friends
Nicole and Sonja. Although their eye contact created an instant desire, there was a
suppressed obsession between Lexi and Greg and they kept their distance; especially
Greg’s reluctance to have a real relationship with Lexi, fueled by the terrible
breakup of his first love in college. Although knowing he loved Lexi, he could not get
over the bitter pain from his past. Leaving Lexi loving a man who could no longer
outwardly show his love.
Greg’s barrier to loving slowly eroding. Since he and Lexi were always included
in their group outings, as a couple, by their friends and both silently accepting the
group’s coupling of the two of them.
Greg’s barrier finally broken we he finally explained to Lexi his reason for
protecting his heart. Lexi, overwhelmed with compassion for Greg’s broken heart when
he was so young, embracing him and promising he would never have to endure that
kind of pain again.